Jessica, like so many actors, was feeling stuck in a few crucial areas that were preventing her from being fully-visible in the industry. In the 4 Week Breakthrough Lab we were able to get to the root of her doubts, she took massive new actions towards her Acting Dreams...and she broke through! Less than a week after our final session she was approached by MULTIPLE talent agencies!!!

Any of these sound like you?

  • There’s a great anecdote from an old-timey midwestern motivational speaker: He tells the story of going to his grandma’s house for biscuits, and they came out looking like hockey pucks. He said, “Grandma! What happened to the biscuits?”. And she simply replied, “Well…they squatted to rise, and then I guess they just got cooked in the squat.”

    Are you feeling “cooked in the squat”? Are you someone who is constantly going to classes, taking workshops, talking about “finally writing that script” but never executing, thinking about calling that connection and always putting it off…? (Not to read you for filth).

    Then I hate to tell you, but you’ve “squatted to rise”, and failed to rise!

    If you are a “craft” junky, always in consume/prep mode (squatting), but never seem to be able to rise/book/move the needle…then:

    This 4 week program is for you!

  • If you were late to the “Gilmore Girls” phenom (as I was, jumping in just this year), then you may have missed Michele’s constant drama. He was a disgruntled, but talented, French employee, often living in a perpetual “Eeor” mindset, or in his words: “Ennui”.

    Do you get easily derailed by minor setbacks? Are you prone to the black hole of Netflix and self-medicating when work has dried up and your day job is making you want to “go postal”?

    Momentum begets momentum. All you need is someone to help you take the first step. You don’t have to do it alone. Being an artist or entrepreneur requires constant self-discipline and self-motivation. These things are not easy and don’t come naturally to everyone!

    If you need someone to get your booty in gear…

    Then it’s time to head to “The Lab”, baby!

  • I am no stranger to the massive lane change. Beginning my career as a dancer in NYC, I leapt (rather violently) into filmmaking - cramming youtube videos the night before a shoot trying to figure out what an AD was…and then thrusting myself, unceremoniously, into pure chaos…

    But I persevered, even when I felt completely out of my element…remembering the guidance that “there are unlimited resources”. I learned that if I was determined to find answers, I could always open a path forward.

    • Are you an actor looking to segue into directing?

    • Are you a 9-5’er and finally ready to launch your own biz?

    • Are you just plain sick of this industry and need a complete career change?

    Then “The Breakthrough Lab” is tailored for you!

  • Already crushing it but want to turn up the juice from 100 to 1000? I’m here to challenge you and create massive energy with major accountability.

    Let’s, f*cking, GO! Because you already know…it’s time for “The Breakthrough Lab”.

What to Expect:

“The Breakthrough Lab” is an online, 4 Week, 1-on-1 program designed to get to the root of your perceived blocks, build a solid action plan & create massive momentum!

How it works:

  • 60 minute Zoom intake session. I want to get to know the amazing & unique YOU!

  • Personalized, achievable action plan.

  • 3-30 minute Zoom followups. Let’s stay on track!

  • Weekly email support and encouragement.

  • Worksheets and interactive online tools.

  • Fun, laughter, & fun! (This stuff doesn’t have to be so heavy…)


***Payment plans available***

"The Breakthrough Lab"