How my journey began

I am no stranger to failure.

To rejection.

To giving every ounce of blood, sweat & tears, and having to peel myself off the ground, day after day, spurring myself to “try again”.

Over a decade ago I moved to NYC to pursue a career in dance, which led to the unexpected path of music, comedy, filmmaking and screenwriting.

I have faced and endured major struggles both in front of and behind the camera: doubt, insecurity, endless rejection, you name it…all on top of major life traumas including debilitating chronic illness, losing my home in the California fire storms, and like everyone else, the stagnation of the pandemic.

But it was because of these unending trials that I began to get curious about what helps people endure - what helps someone get back up. This led me to the study of sports psychology, mindset mastery, and Buddhist philosophy.

Combining these many years of training, paired with my real-world industry experience, I help artists transform their mindset, get fired up and take NEW massive action towards their dreams.

You are enough.

You have a unique mission only you can fulfill.

I am here to help you break through and live the career of your dreams!

“When your determination changes, everything will begin to move in the direction you desire.” - Daisaku Ikeda

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